For information on advanced (master) studies in fundamental physics in the lemanic region, visit this site.
Quantum Field TheoryCourse given at UNIGE over two semesters. It follows the book by Michele Maggiore, Chapter 2 of Weiberg's, and Preskill's notes.
The Standard Model
Topics of the Standard Model electroweak sector presented in the language of effective field theories (EFTs).
You can find lecture notes from a graduate course at UNIGE here: EFTs, Fermi Theory, Electroweak Interactions, Higgs Mechanism, The Standard Model |
The Higgs Boson
Discovered in 2012 at CERN, its physics is rich, both from the point of view of the theoretical mysteries it hides and for the experimental challenges it represents. Here my lectures from 2015 CERN's European School on High-Energy Physics.
For more information on a master in theoretical fundamental physics in the Leman area, visit this site.